About Us


Our mission

For you to truly accomplish your fitness goals, you need personalized training and nutrition programs to guide you through the process.

Our app was designed by trainers and dietitians who know the ins and outs of strength training, conditioning, and proper dieting. They are experts at what they do and have developed a program that will get you where you want to go.

With our help, you will find the right path towards getting the results you want. All we ask from you is dedication to our program and that you hold yourself accountable. We are here to help you as much as possible, but it is up to you to put in the work.


Our Approach

We want your workouts to work for you.
That is why the first step for any new member is to receive a completely customized program. We will have you enter some basic information and evaluate your current fitness level. This will give us a baseline for developing your unique fitness program.

Our app will also keep you accountable by sending you check-in notifications, just to make sure you are on track.

We pride ourselves on how versatile and user friendly our app is. Afterall, our number one goal is to help our clients succeed.


My Apex Coach is a 100% online business so you won't come into a gym. As soon as you sign up we will start customizing your program through our app. There will be check-ins and ongoing accountability with a nutrition plan built for you.

Apex Coaches


ANDREW CAPUL/ CEO | Founder | Coach

I entered this industry immediately following the conclusion of I was always an active guy and loved being involved in sports and fitness.
community members trained later Apex Performance is still standing strong & growing every day thanks to our loyal family of #ApexAthletes

Certified Speed & Agility Coach
USA Weightlifting & Sports Performance Coach
USA Powerlifting Club Coach


ALAN BROWN/ Manager | Bootcamp Director | Coach

Fitness and health have always been at the forefront of my lifestyle for as long as I can remember. After graduating from Cuny Queens College and spending a few years in physical education, I decided to enter the fitness industry to pursue my true passion. Pivoting away from solely strength and conditioning, I began to focus my energy on creating a FUNctional boot camp with the intention of helping people live a healthy I decided to enter the fitness industry to pursue my true passion. Pivoting away from solely strength and conditioning, I began to focus my energy on creating a FUNctional boot camp with the intention of helping people live a healthy

RockTape FMT Movement Specialist
NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist
FAI Functional Aging Specialist
Anchor Point Training Certified
USA Track and Field Level 1 Certified


DION LYNCH/ Nutrition Director | Coach

I’m a personal trainer whose strength is body transformations. I specialize in body recomposition, the process of burning off body fat while simultaneously gaining muscle.
I help people achieve there weight loss, strength, and physique goals, in a fast and timely manner, to help them be the best versions of themselves and regain their confidence.
I create custom diet plans as well which includes the required macros and calories needed for their goals, as well as provide recipes for you to enjoy.
My overall goal as a trainer is to leave you with the knowledge to continue working on yourself after our time together as well as introduce a way of eating that is filling, delicious, and nutritious.

Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist through ISSA
Group fitness instructor

Meal Plans Brought To You By Worldclass

Doctors and Dietitians

Kimberly A. Tessmer, RDN, LD

Stacy Cappadona, RDN, LD MS, RD, LDN, CSCS

Nell Stephenson, BS

Dr. Zacharia Reda, MD

Dr. Daniel J. Muppidi, MD